Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Two steps forward, one step backwards

It is a challenge to bend Gargraves track.  I can bend an "S" curve and it will hold its shape just fine.  But an O-42 or even an O-54 won't stay.  And if I adjust the ties to straighten them, I lose even more of the curve.  Honestly, the problem is that I am trying to pre-shape track to glue it down, rather than screw or nail it down as is recommended.  The solution:  I am buying Gargraves sectional track for the curves and using flex-track for the straights, "S" curves and a few short curves on the turnouts.  Time to call Just Trains of Delaware.

In the meantime, I made up 42" and 54" diameter cardboard templates to lay out the track plan center lines.  The mainlines have 4" spacing on the straights, and 4 1/2" on the curves.  John brought over some 60' and 70' passenger cars and an MTH Allegheny to test track clearances.   I put the 70 footers on the 2 mainline tracks and I have an inch of clearance on the curves (real inches, not scale inches!). Of course, when I couple the cars on the same track, the angle from car to car would only be seen in a prototypical derailment . . .

I am using Woodland Scenics trackbed and it is so easy to work with.  It is partially split and I use a box cutter to split it the rest of the way, then spread Woodland Scenics Foam Tack Glue on the back of a half section and lay it along the centerline.  I pin it down with Woodland Scenics Foam Nails, then repeat the above for the other half section of roadbed.  It goes really fast.  Say goodbye to cork roadbed . .

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